Query compressed logs that are stored in S3 using AWS AthenaLet’s see how we can explore the data in a bucket using SQL with AWS Athena.May 23, 2022May 23, 2022
Discover issues with performance testingTry this approach to discover issues before they even come into play in production. Would you like to know how? Check this out!May 16, 2022May 16, 2022
RegEx, Data Classes and Type Hints with Python: Learning from tweet textLet’s use the RE module and Data Classes to check if a given tweet text is valid to our fictional business rule. Type hints can help with…May 2, 2022May 2, 2022
C# Web API: How to call your endpoint through integration testsYou have tests everywhere, but you still get an error when you try to run your application because of some wrong infrastructure setup. Know…Jul 13, 2021Jul 13, 2021
GKE Ingress: How to configure IPv4 and IPv6 addressesIt’s crucial to configure your domain to answer IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. How can we do that with GKE Ingress? Come closer, and let’s…Jun 1, 2021Jun 1, 2021
GKE Ingress: How to fix a 502 bad gateway errorWhen you configure your application and receive an error 502 (Bad Gateway), mostly this happens because of a wrong setup. To illustrate…May 28, 20212May 28, 20212
Production-ready shell startup scripts: The Set BuiltinKnow another way to avoid unexpected incidents in production. It will allow you to write production-ready startup shell scripts. Learn…May 27, 2021May 27, 2021
The easiest way to run a container on GCE with TerraformNothing like a quick setup with Terraform to make your application available. There are many ways to deploy it, but how about using Google…May 25, 2021May 25, 2021
You should configure env variables in one placeIncreased cognitive load can have a considerable impact on the ongoing of a project. Know how to minimize it a bit through one simple…May 23, 2021May 23, 2021
Why did I create a blog from scratch?Reinventing the wheel, depending on the context, can be brilliant! Curiosity can lead us into new enchanting things.May 22, 2021May 22, 2021